The GTS Comtherm Nozzle Mix NMB series burners are the most versatile gas burners. Nozzle Mix Burners are high flame, high capacity burners. Gas and air are mixed only at the point of discharge. The swirling air stream produces a negative vortex at the block mouth. Fuel enters the vortex rapidly, producing intense combustion.
Nozzle Mix Burners work both with cold and pre-heated air allowing for 25 to 30 % saving. Flanged orifice plate meters at convenient point in the air and gas supply lines to the burners to measure flows are recommended.
The unique design of these burners make them suitable for firing a wide range of gases. Such as Blast Furnace Gas (BFG). Producer Gas, Coal Gas, Town Gas, Natural Gas, Propane, LPG and any other manufactured gas.
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